Florence Duet

Creative expression is the foam of the Soul ...


Florence Duet was born in Rouen in Normandy. Today, she lives and works in Roquebrune Cap Martin.
She started to seriously study drawing and painting in 2005, then specialised in pastel artwork. One of her portraits was later sold to H.S.H. Princess Charlene of Monaco in October 2011.
In 2008 Florence extended her artistic repertoire and took up stone sculpture. Fascinated by this material - its ruggedness, weaknesses, incrustations, energy… she has great pleasure in exploring and sublimating its many facets.
As from 2010, she has her own atelier.
Florence Duet’s art is dedicated to the representation of the human body. Sensuality exudes from each of her creations. Her sculpture series « Femme Serpent », « Ecume de l’Âme « and « Gémella » are the most sought after.
In October 2011, one of her sculptures was selected for exhibition at the Paris Autumn art fair.
« All her works feature both the attitudes and characteristic forms of the Venuses of the Gravettian culture of the Upper Paleolithic, in particular the hypertrophy of certain anatomic parts, as well as the inspirational bold style of Constantin Brancusi with pure lines, and thin elliptical forms rather like the confident stroke of a pencil ».
Very aware of the condition of others, she is particularly happy to donate an artwork each year to a Charity organisation. In 2014 one of her bronzes was sold at a charity auction in the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.
In 2014, Florence is awarded 1st prize in the Sculpture section at the Cannes International Art Fair « Artistes du Monde ». Here, her path meets Marina Picasso, who strongly encourages her to « continue in this creative direction ».
Florence exhibits in Monaco, Paris, Cannes, Saint-Tropez alongside other European countries.


2010-2026 AUTODIDACTE MENTON, France
Florence   Duet

The artist at work

Artist value certified: Florence Duet's works have been evaluated by an independent expert.

Certification 2014 : €1,200.00 ($1,300.68)
Certification has been established by Jacques-Armand Akoun on Jan 14, 2014.
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Prizes and Awards

2017 1er prix de sculpture ARTISTES DU MONDE à Cannes Cannes, France

2015 1er prix de sculpture Cannes, France

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